We are once again experiencing a phenomenon as our Energy signals and frequencies are adjusting to a higher vibration.
How do we manage and stay in alignment with our Higher Self as we progress further along the transformational process of our evolution?
Joy Truscott offers some insight from her practice and the similarities noticed from the energy readings from a wide spectrum of clients.
How do we manage and stay in alignment with our Higher Self as we progress further along the transformational process of our evolution?
Joy Truscott offers some insight from her practice and the similarities noticed from the energy readings from a wide spectrum of clients.
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We open our Being into a Higher Vibration so that we can ease into a deeper field of potential.
Sit a while and enjoy this Guided Meditation as we are guided to open our higher energy awareness
For many decades I have been working with Energy and have read many hundreds of Energy Fields. In this time each person's Energy Signature has always been unique to them and the time-space of that moment. In September 2017, a massive shift in consciousness began to show up in the Energy Fields of clients from a wide spectrum. Readings began to reveal a Collective Awareness and 6 stages of this unfolded - each with specific information and insight. Now, as the years go by from that first information surge, I am witnessing more and more shifts. The Message is very specific - we are being urged to REMEMBER WHO WE ARE. We are at a pivot point of transformation and the choices we make now will determine the course of all life upon this Earth. There is only one way to go - CHOOSE TO THRIVE |
Gratitude to Adam King who kindly gave me permission to play his Divinely Inspired Music in the background of all my meditations and sessions.
Where are you in all of this?
Book a session with Joy and let us read your Energy - perhaps what you are experiencing IS the experience of The Shift.
Book a session with Joy and let us read your Energy - perhaps what you are experiencing IS the experience of The Shift.
A Journey to Remember: Recapturing the Unique Codes of our Magnificence by Joy Truscott
2014 chatting to my sister in my therapy room and as I sent a prayer out for some Guidance my Inner Vision exploded in a dazzling vision that brought clarity and comfort about the world we are living in.
This book is the result of the early hours of the morning nudging that woke me up consistently to "write". Sitting in the near dark with my laptop and eyes closed, I typed away as the stories came to my awareness. Simple stories of events of my life and aspects of my own journey, along with keys to see in a new way. What we take for granted as just an event is far more significant than we can imagine. This book came into being against my own resistance: I am not a writer - my sister is. I struggle with dyslexia Who am I to comment about anything? How will I possibly afford to get a book published? Who will want to read it? Will they understand the stories as markers of thought in relation to their own life? So here it is and I offer it to you. This is not the type of book you read as a novel - from end to end. When you are seeking an answer or meditating, open the book randomly and read that short piece. Then consider - what relevance does this hold for my Life? Open the idea of receiving Guidance and even if you cannot see the relevance at this moment - just asking will bring it to you. I don't know how this work, but it does. May your Life Journey be a great Blessing to you and all those who share your Journey. |
More and more I hear us saying we are overwhelmed. We truly are in a time of fluctuations - highs and lows and everything in between.
How to stay connected to yourself in all of this is becoming more of a challenge and we simply can not DO another thing.
I would like to offer you some gentle ideas and inspiration in the form of a newsletter to help you connect to a place of deeper awareness and inner calm. Here is where you can join and receive some LOVE.
You hold the key to your Highest Potential.
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