Thank you for your willingness to be part of the Collective.
The Energy vortex created through 28 sessions as a Collective is in place.
Here you can connect to that energy and learn the process that was give from Guidance.
Here you can connect to that energy and learn the process that was give from Guidance.
Let's learn how to operate this system
Follow along with SESSION 27 to feel the process
Should you wish to tune in to the other sessions and follow along with the AUDIO, please click on this link and choose a session.
What you have known, felt or experienced is the doorway to healing that pain in the collective.
Your suffering is not in vain.
Thank you for YOU
For those who know that they are here for more than just a singular journey and would like to help many others remember that what you have been experiencing as struggle and pain is the KEY that will unlock that Energy Cord.
Specific instructions have been downloaded to assist us in creating a powerful connection for healing in the Collective Field.
Like ripples opening in a pond, we can amplify the Energy frequencies to radiate immense Light, Love and Wellness into the Collective Field.
Equinox Collective Gathering for Releasing & Healing - March 2023
Thank you for being part of this Conscious Collective as we take responsibility for what we wish to create for ourselves and the lives of those to come.
Every adjustment we make creates a ripple of change in the Collective Field.
Even the smallest of changes will create an impact as it ripples out into the Field.
Please do not underestimate the value of you being here now and what you are experiencing.
The story that is playing out in your life IS the story that You can release.
We can heal it if we can feel it.
Every adjustment we make creates a ripple of change in the Collective Field.
Even the smallest of changes will create an impact as it ripples out into the Field.
Please do not underestimate the value of you being here now and what you are experiencing.
The story that is playing out in your life IS the story that You can release.
We can heal it if we can feel it.
Transition for Transformation - Tone Therapy Guided Connection
Here on a mission with the imprint in my Heart and Soul for my most Divine and powerful Life Journey.
May that code be revealed through our awakening as we begin to see ourselves in a Whole and a New way.
Feel supported by Life as you begin to step towards your most delightful Life Journey.
May that code be revealed through our awakening as we begin to see ourselves in a Whole and a New way.
Feel supported by Life as you begin to step towards your most delightful Life Journey.
Amplify the significance of this event as you prepare your thoughts and intentions.
Here are some guidelines:
Take a few moments to write -
Here are some guidelines:
Take a few moments to write -
- What is causing you pain right now.
- Where in your MindBodyBeing are you feeling this pain / discomfort?
- Who are the messengers of this pain / fear / misery?
- What are your thoughts about the pain?
- What are your thoughts about the messenger/s?
- What does your Heart long to feel that is the exact opposite of this pain? Make a note of every point of pain and give the contrasting feeling / emotion next to it.
- Am I willing to live without this pain or discomfort?
- What would my life look like free of this debris? Be specific and let your answer be as detailed as you can make it.
More and more I hear us saying we are overwhelmed. We truly are in a time of fluctuations - highs and lows and everything in between.
How to stay connected to yourself in all of this is becoming more of a challenge and we simply can not DO another thing.
I would like to offer you some gentle ideas and inspiration in the form of a newsletter to help you connect to a place of deeper awareness and inner calm. Here is where you can join and receive some LOVE.
You hold the key to your Highest Potential.
Copyright © 2019