Etched in our understanding of our Being is the little notion that we may or may not deserve. Depending on the wiring of that code and the way we have come to perceive our self through that lens, very much determines how we move in this world. Life unfolds in different ways for those who believe that they deserve the full and abundant experience of this Life Journey and for those who believe that they have to suffer in some way before they are allowed to receive. What we are holding at the core of our belief system becomes the platform upon which we create our reality. Imagine if we can look at this idea from beyond our day to day, human struggle experience and imagine that what we are seeing and marking as reality is only a reflection of the possibilities that are available to us in a much larger field of Being. Imagine there can be more.![]() We could continue to hold the same ideas and sense of lack, struggle and hardship in the relationships we entertain, or we could shift our belief towards something else – possibility and potential. Staying in the space of depletion and struggle creates that same reality, which is then reflected to us so that we can see and perceive, SO that we can begin to decide whether that is our Truth or Desire or not. To stay in the downward vortex of this space of reflection any longer than necessary seems ludicrous – we are in the deep experience so that we can have a deep Knowing. Once knowing becomes clear we are free to make a new choice. Yet, the space of discomfort becomes a holding space – a no man’s land – where we continue to play and create the same misery in the same field of possibility. Nothing new can happen here. So why do we stay here – can we not learn and see and then allow our being to shift? Oh that allure of the old !Unfortunately for us, the comfort of the known space is a great allure. There is comfort in the pattern of what we know and rather a lot of terror in the discomfort of the place that is not known. To take the leap out of this space that we now know so well and imagine there is another possibility IS the nudging and longing that we hold for more Love, Peace, Grace, Harmony, Compassion, Generosity, (and the list goes on), something keeps us searching and pleading for that which we barely know, and have barely experienced. Our coding is awakening and reminding us through our dreams, hopes and desires, that we are to seek something else.We begin to notice once we become Aware. We begin to Awaken once we are willing to see, feel and perceive beyond the same frame of reference. Chop a tree to almost gone and watch it send out new shoots of growth. See the green flourish in the landscape of black scorched earth after fires. There IS something else and nature is showing us that we can re-create, we just have to be willing to create a shift into possibility and believe we deserve. We are being asked to let go of what we have decided is our reality and begin to entertain something else. If we telescope our human endeavours and games into the broader spectrum of Being and begin to feel the shift that is awakening us as a species, we can begin to understand why it is so important that we start to re-assess and begin to choose again. This is the first step. Notice that you are the Seeker and you are being called, through your discomfort to say NO MORE.And then the second step will not be action, but rather NO action. How bizarre is that! For any step we try to take from the point of our depleted vortex and energy will only manifest that same low energy. We will simply be trying to create something we know based upon the limitations of that lower frequency. In fact, we would just be re-making the same scenario but with a different set of actors and scenery. We are comfortable in that which we know, even if it is not comfortable.Our default setting of clinging to survival will bring us back to the same thoughts, ideas and perceptions. And we find we are once again locked in. To try to shift consciousness from the same point of reference will be to re-create the same. So in comes the third step - sitting in absolute Trust. This is such a tall order for us delightful human beings. We have established our sense of being able to trust, IF certain conditions, rules and requirements are met. Then only are we willing to claim that sense of trust, because we have set up some perimeters that resemble the boundaries and limitations that make us feel safe. In essence we have created the same small space as before. If we are to step into the possibility of our Awakened and Expansive Being, we are to let go of creating for our own sake and begin to dream for the sake of all Life; to begin to see our self as part of the all and the very breath of the Divine. To begin to breathe, move and BE from a new frame of reference is to find a new way to create and manifest. "I just cannot manifest !"![]() For those of you who have a sense that in the past you were able to create and make-happen, and now find yourself stuck, blocked and disconnected – wonderful! Know you are on time and you can celebrate this apparent non-achievement. You are coming into a whole new Energy Space. We are being blocked from creating so that we can step out of the field that we were in before. We are to stop playing in the depleted field so that we can begin again in a different way. How awesome is that! For now, stay in this place of uncertainty, it is a good place to be as it is filled with potential. Here we are to use this time to clarify and refine your deepest desires and Truth. This is the time to become absolutely sure of Who You Are and hold your Centre with all your Heart, all your Mind and all your Light. Then, from the centre point, we can begin to move in any direction. All directions from the centre are equally perfect and possible. And the reason for this, dear Ones, is that you are in the centre and that field of potential moves with you. You begin to be the Light portal that can show up anywhere and at any time and in any space and hold your field of the Highest Light and deepest Truth, in alignment with All that IS. Now watch the Blessings pour in. We are stepping into our Awakening so rest here a while and become certain while you claim, declare and proclaim your Divine Being of Love and Light. |
More and more I hear us saying we are overwhelmed. We truly are in a time of fluctuations - highs and lows and everything in between.
How to stay connected to yourself in all of this is becoming more of a challenge and we simply can not DO another thing.
I would like to offer you some gentle ideas and inspiration in the form of a newsletter to help you connect to a place of deeper awareness and inner calm. Here is where you can join and receive some LOVE.
You hold the key to your Highest Potential.
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